上周,我们介绍了为 cubiml 添加一些更独特的功能,特别是介绍了流类型,一种在尚未有 case 类型(也就是 sum 类型)的语言中模拟 case 类型的方法。今天我们将另辟蹊径,提高原生 case 类型的精度(对上一篇文章中的模拟空 case 类型进行相应的修改,留给读者去练习,但步骤与下面的非常相似)。
回顾一下,case 类型是一种创建值的方式,可以在运行时代表几种可能性(可能有不同的类型)中的一种,以一种可以在运行时安全匹配的方式。
例如,下面的代码演示了一个函数,它可以取几个形状中的一个并计算其面积。重要的是,这一切都在编译时进行了检查。如果你试图传递没有被处理的 case,或者传递被处理 case 的错误类型,你将在编译时得到一个类型错误。
let area = fun arg ->
match arg with
| `Square x -> x.len *. x.len
| `Rect x -> x.height *. x.width;
area `Square {len=4.};
area `Rect {height=4.; width=2.5};
let area2 = fun arg ->
match arg with
| `Circle x -> x.radius *. x.radius *. 3.1415926
| x -> area x;
area2 `Square {len=4.};
area2 `Rect {height=4.; width=2.5};
area2 `Circle {radius=1.2}
匹配允许处理调用者从未实际传递的 case。在运行时,只有与匹配 case 相关的特定分支会被执行。然而,在编译时,匹配表达式被当作每个分支都有可能被采用。例如,考虑以下代码
let increment = fun x ->
match x with
| `Int i -> i + 1
| `Float f -> f +. 1.0;
(increment `Int 7) * -3
TypeError: Value is required to be a integer here,
| `Float f -> f +. 1.0;
(increment `Int 7) * -3
But that value may be a float originating here.
match x with
| `Int i -> i + 1
| `Float f -> f +. 1.0;
(increment `Int 7) * -3
在运行时,如果传递 Int
case,增量函数将返回整型,如果传递 Float
case,则返回浮点型。然而,类型检查器会把它当作每个分支总是被采用,从而推断出返回类型为 int | float
提高类型精度的主要障碍是技术上的 - 哪些功能可以用什么样的复杂度来实现?如果一个特性在技术上不可行,那么进一步讨论它就没有意义,所以这就是我们关注的问题。
let (wrapped_type, wrapped_bound) = engine.var();
case_type_pairs.push((tag.clone(), wrapped_bound));
let rhs_type = bindings.in_child_scope(|bindings| {
bindings.insert(name.clone(), wrapped_type);
check_expr(engine, bindings, rhs_expr)
engine.flow(rhs_type, result_bound)?;
对于我们的目的来说,最重要的部分是最后一行,它增加了一个流约束,从 rhs_type
(匹配臂右侧的类型)到 result_bound
首先,我们为代表延迟流约束的(值,用)对添加一个 typedef。
pub type LazyFlow = (Value, Use);
然后把它添加到 case 用类型头的每个分支和相应的构造函数中。
UCase {
cases: HashMap<String, (Use, LazyFlow)>,
wildcard: Option<(Use, LazyFlow)>,
- pub fn case_use(&mut self, cases: Vec<(String, Use)>, wildcard: Option<Use>, span: Span) -> Use {
+ pub fn case_use(&mut self, cases: Vec<(String, (Use, LazyFlow))>, wildcard: Option<(Use, LazyFlow)>, span: Span) -> Use {
let cases = cases.into_iter().collect();
接下来,更新 check_heads
的实现。从类型系统上来说,这是最重要的部分,但它出奇的简单。我们要做的就是,每当检查 case 类型时,也会将对应分支的懒惰流约束添加到待处理的流约束列表中。(注意下面新的 out.push(lazy_flow)
// Check if the right case is handled
if let Some((rhs2, lazy_flow)) = cases2.get(name).copied() {
out.push((lhs2, rhs2));
} else if let Some((rhs2, lazy_flow)) = wildcard {
out.push((Value(lhs_ind), rhs2));
} else {
let (wrapped_type, wrapped_bound) = engine.var();
let rhs_type = bindings.in_child_scope(|bindings| {
bindings.insert(name.clone(), wrapped_type);
check_expr(engine, bindings, rhs_expr)
case_type_pairs.push((tag.clone(), (wrapped_bound, (rhs_type, result_bound))));
之前我们有 engine.flow(rhs_type, result_bound)
,现在只需将 (rhs_type, result_bound)
对添加到 case_type_pairs
中,而 case_type_pairs
let (wrapped_type, wrapped_bound) = engine.var();
let rhs_type = bindings.in_child_scope(|bindings| {
bindings.insert(name.clone(), wrapped_type);
check_expr(engine, bindings, rhs_expr)
wildcard_type = Some((wrapped_bound, (rhs_type, result_bound)));
就是这样! 上面的代码示例现在已经通过了类型检查器。不过,设计上还是有一些细微的地方需要注意。
这意味着,如果同时使用 Int
和 Float
两种 case 调用 increment
,结果类型将再次变成 int | float
let id = fun x -> x;
(* Use id to force increment to be monomorphic *)
let increment = id (fun x ->
match x with
| `Int i -> i + 1
| `Float f -> f +. 1.0);
(increment `Int 7) * -3;
(increment `Float 7.0) *. -3.0
TypeError: Value is required to be a integer here,
| `Float f -> f +. 1.0);
(increment `Int 7) * -3;
(increment `Float 7.0) *. -3.0
But that value may be a float originating here.
match x with
| `Int i -> i + 1
| `Float f -> f +. 1.0);
(increment `Int 7) * -3;
这可能会让这个功能显得很无用。反正程序员可以直接删除死代码,那么忽略死代码有什么用呢?事实上,这个功能对于单态代码来说基本上是无用的。然而,当与 let 多态结合后,故事就完全变了。
在前面的例子中,我们为了强制单态化,把 increment
的定义包装在了对 id
的调用中(回忆一下,值限制对函数调用并不友好)。如果我们修改上面的例子,去掉这个调用,让 increment
let increment = fun x ->
match x with
| `Int i -> i + 1
| `Float f -> f +. 1.0;
(increment `Int 7) * -3;
(increment `Float 7.0) *. -3.0
这是因为当 increment
这种类型特征有时被称为存在多态,是行多态的近亲。我们可以将上面的 increment
函数的类型方案描述为forall Pi, Pf => (`Int int if Pi | `Float float if Pf) -> (int if Pi | float if Pf)
,其中 Pi
和 Pf
不是通常的单态范围之上的类型变量 T
和 U
,而是表示 case 存在或确实的的存在变量。
关键的见解是,条件流允许我们在类型检查过程中有条件地对类型执行操作。当然,条件并不是类型级计算所必需的 - 你甚至可以只用 lambda 计算来实现对类型的任意计算。然而,使用条件的能力使它变得更加容易和自然。
从上一篇关于 let 多态性能的文章中回想一下,let 多态可以让你简明地将指数数量的调用组合成一个不同类型的单独函数。因此,我们将编写一个执行单步工作的函数,“程序状态”由函数的输入和输出类型表示。然后,我们使用多态来很多次调用该函数,基本上是以期望的步数“运行”程序。
let rec fib_sub = fun args ->
if args.n <= 0 then
fib_sub {n=args.n - 1; a=args.a + args.b; b=args.a};
let fib = fun n -> fib_sub {n=n; a=1; b=1};
fib 12
每个数字都表示为一串二进制数字,其中每个数字都使用一个 case 类型变体来表示。为了使它们易于使用,我们将使用小端数字(在代码中写入时,最低有效数字出现在左边),并有一个特殊的标签 End
let end = `End {};
let one = `1 end;
let two = `0`1 end;
let seven = `1`1`1 end;
let twelve = `0`0`1`1 end;
let million_and_eighty_seven = `1`1`1`0`1`0`0`1`0`1`0`0`0`0`1`0`1`1`1`1 end;
let end = `End {};
(* Decrement x by 1. If x is already zero, return `Error,
else, return `Ok (x - 1) *)
let rec decrement = fun x ->
match x with
| `End _ -> `Error {}
| `1 xs -> `Ok `0 xs
| `0 xs -> (
match decrement xs with
| `Ok xs_dec -> `Ok `1 xs_dec
| _ -> _
(* Add args.x + 1 *)
let rec increment = fun x ->
match x with
| `End _ -> `1 end
| `0 xs -> `1 xs
| `1 xs -> `0 (increment xs);
(* Add args.x + args.y *)
let rec add = fun args ->
match args.y with
| `End _ -> args.x
| `0 ys -> add_shifted {x=args.x; ys=ys}
| `1 ys -> add_shifted {x=increment args.x; ys=ys}
and add_shifted = fun args ->
(* Add args.x + (args.ys << 1) *)
match args.x with
| `End _ -> `0 args.ys
| `0 xs -> `0 (add {x=xs; y=args.ys})
| `1 xs -> `1 (add {x=xs; y=args.ys})
let rec fib_sub = fun args ->
match decrement args.n with
| `Error _ -> args.a
| `Ok n ->
fib_sub {n=n; a=add {x=args.a; y=args.b}; b=args.a};
let fib = fun n -> fib_sub {n=n; a=`1 end; b=`1 end};
fib `0`0`1`1 end
由于使用了递归,上述代码在编译时仍然无法运行。为了进行类型级别的计算,需要“解开”所有的递归并模拟调用栈。每个帮助函数都会接收一个包含字段 val
我们的函数不直接调用函数,而是将要调用的函数名推送到栈上,然后返回新的栈。然后有一个 tick
另外,需要在每个函数调用函数的每个点,将它拆成独立的函数,这样就有了“返回”的地方。例如,可以将 increment
函数转换为这种样式,如下所示,添加 increment2
函数来处理推送最后的 `0
(* Add frame.val + 1 *)
let increment = fun frame ->
match frame.val with
| `End _ -> {frame | val=`1 end}
| `0 xs -> {frame | val=`1 xs}
| `1 xs -> (
(* call increment2 (increment xs) *)
(* where increment2 = fun x -> `0 x *)
{val=xs; stack=`Increment {stack=`Increment2 {stack=frame.stack}}}
let increment2 = fun frame -> {frame | val=`0 frame.val};
let tick = fun state ->
match state.stack with
| `Increment frame -> increment {frame | val=state.val}
| `Increment2 frame -> increment2 {frame | val=state.val}
(* if the computation is done, just return the state unchanged *)
| `Done _ -> state
(* set up initial state to call increment `1`1`0`1 end *)
let state = {val=`1`1`0`1 end; stack=`Increment {stack=`Done {}}};
let state = tick state;
let state = tick state;
let state = tick state;
let state = tick state
重要的是,增量函数是在编译类型时计算的,所以可以在编译时对结果进行断言。例如,下面的代码断言结果是 `0`0`1`1 end
match state.stack with | `Done _ -> _;
match state.val with | `0 x ->
(match x with | `0 x ->
(match x with | `1 x ->
(match x with | `1 x ->
(match x with | `End _ -> _))))
let end = `End {};
let push0 = fun frame -> {frame | val=`0 frame.val};
let push1 = fun frame -> {frame | val=`1 frame.val};
(* Add frame.val + 1 *)
let increment = fun frame ->
match frame.val with
| `End _ -> {frame | val=`1 end}
| `0 xs -> {frame | val=`1 xs}
| `1 xs -> (
(* call push0 (increment xs) *)
(* where push0 = fun x -> `0 x *)
{val=xs; stack=`Increment {stack=`Push0 {stack=frame.stack}}}
(* Decrement frame.val, with initial bit of return value representing status
if frame.val is zero, returns `0 end to represent an error state
otherwise, returns `1 (n-1). *)
let decrement = fun frame ->
match frame.val with
| `End _ -> {frame | val=`0 end}
| `1 xs -> {frame | val=`1`0 xs}
| `0 xs -> (
(* call decrement2 (decrement xs) *)
{val=xs; stack=`Decrement {stack=`Decrement2 {stack=frame.stack}}}
let decrement2 = fun frame ->
match frame.val with
| `1 xs_dec -> {frame | val=`1`1 xs_dec}
(* when val represents an error, return it unchanged *)
| `0 _ -> {frame | val=`0 end}
(* this case isn't actually reachable, but is needed for type checking *)
| `End _ -> {frame | val=`0 end}
(* add frame.val + (frame.ys << 1) *)
let add_shifted = fun frame ->
match frame.val with
(* this case isn't actually reachable, but is needed for type checking *)
| `End _ -> {val=`0 frame.ys; stack=frame.stack}
| `0 xs -> (
(* call push0 (add {val=xs; y=ys}) *)
{val=xs; stack=`Add {y=frame.ys; stack=`Push0 {stack=frame.stack}}}
| `1 xs -> (
(* call push1 (add {val=xs; y=ys}) *)
{val=xs; stack=`Add {y=frame.ys; stack=`Push1 {stack=frame.stack}}}
(* add frame.val + frame.y *)
let add = fun frame ->
match frame.y with
(* when y=0, return frame.val unchanged *)
| `End _ -> frame
| `0 ys -> add_shifted {val=frame.val; ys=ys; stack=frame.stack}
| `1 ys -> (
(* call add_shifted {val=increment frame.val; ys=ys} *)
increment {val=frame.val; stack=`AddShifted {ys=ys; stack=frame.stack}}
(* computes an iteration of the fibonacci calculations:
fib_sub (n, a, b) -> (n-1, a+b, a) where a=frame.val*)
let fib_sub = fun frame -> decrement {val=frame.n; stack=`FibSub2 {a=frame.val; b=frame.b; stack=frame.stack}};
(* note that here, val is the "n" value rather than the "a" value *)
let fib_sub2 = fun frame ->
match frame.val with
(* this case isn't actually reachable, but is needed for type checking *)
| `End _ -> {val=frame.a; stack=frame.stack}
| `0 _ -> {val=frame.a; stack=frame.stack}
| `1 n -> {val=frame.a; stack=`Add {y=frame.b; stack=`FibSub {n=n; b=frame.a; stack=frame.stack}}};
let tick = fun state ->
match state.stack with
| `Push0 frame -> push0 {frame | val=state.val}
| `Push1 frame -> push1 {frame | val=state.val}
| `Increment frame -> increment {frame | val=state.val}
| `Decrement frame -> decrement {frame | val=state.val}
| `Decrement2 frame -> decrement2 {frame | val=state.val}
| `AddShifted frame -> add_shifted {frame | val=state.val}
| `Add frame -> add {frame | val=state.val}
| `FibSub frame -> fib_sub {frame | val=state.val}
| `FibSub2 frame -> fib_sub2 {frame | val=state.val}
(* if the computation is done, just return the state unchanged *)
| `Done _ -> state
现在可以通过运行程序 256 次来测试它,这足以计算出前 12 个斐波那契数。
let tick2 = fun state -> tick (tick state);
let tick3 = fun state -> tick2 (tick2 state);
let tick4 = fun state -> tick3 (tick3 state);
let tick5 = fun state -> tick4 (tick4 state);
let tick6 = fun state -> tick5 (tick5 state);
let tick7 = fun state -> tick6 (tick6 state);
let tick8 = fun state -> tick7 (tick7 state);
let tick9 = fun state -> tick8 (tick8 state);
let fib9 = fun n ->
(* set up the initial state to call fib_sub *)
tick9 {val=`1 end; stack=`FibSub {n=n; b=`1 end; stack=`Done {}}};
第 12 个斐波那契数是 377,即二进制的 `1`0`0`1`1`1`1`0`1 end
(* compute the 12th fibonacci number *)
let state = fib9 `0`0`1`1 end;
match state.stack with | `Done _ -> _;
(* the 12th fibonacci number is 377 = 0b101111001 *)
match state.val with | `1 x ->
(match x with | `0 x ->
(match x with | `0 x ->
(match x with | `1 x ->
(match x with | `1 x ->
(match x with | `1 x ->
(match x with | `1 x ->
(match x with | `0 x ->
(match x with | `1 x ->
(match x with | `End _ -> _)))))))))
你可以在下面的演示中验证它都是在编译时计算出来的。改变最后输出断言中的任何数字都会导致编译时的类型错误。警告:编译这个程序可能相当慢。我选择了 256 个滴答,因为这在我的电脑上运行得相当好,但如果演示开始变得太慢,请尝试刷新页面。